Donald Trump just keeps stepping in it

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I want to tell you a story. It will be up to you, the reader, to determine whether this story is true. It was a war-zone. The sounds of breaking glass and human howls could be heard. All around were running footsteps. People called their family members, terror-stricken.

Inside the building, mayhem rained down as hunters and gathers of the monsters-come-to-life type duly hunted — hunted Senators. Hunted their cult leader’s VP-. They hunted everyone who disagreed with them.

It was Lord of the Flies on acid. There were crazed cackles and omnipresent screaming as an American insurrection evilly bloomed, live on television in front of our very eyes.

The end. PS: It was beautiful; everyone had such love.

Now — was this story true? Until the PS it was. But alas! This writer added the PS because this is EXACTLY what the human piece of excrement that is Donald John Trump, is saying.

“A day of love.” No big deal. The streets are all abuzz with the sounds of incredulity as people wonder — has Trump finally done it? Has he lost his mind for good?

Trump also says the terrorists were not armed. LIES! UNFIT! Anyone who could look at this day, this hateful day of violence, this dark stain on our country, and call it a day of love has disqualified themselves. ANYONE who could equate: “love” with J-6TH deserves to be in a mental hospital.

And you know what? The media is actually reporting on this. I had an appointment today, and when I turned on the TV later, that was all they were talking about. Some things cannot be sanewashed.

“A day of love.” You know what? I do not doubt that had there been dozens, even hundreds, of deaths, trump would have celebrated. We know about that primordial aspect of him, that aspect of him, carefully inscrutable to those who persist in not wanting to see it, that psychotic edge to him that more than occasionally blooms for all to see, a flush, a puff of cigar smoke, an exhaling of wickedness.

And one can see it when it blossoms, so very cherry red and alive, One can see it appear like the first flush one gets after a strong drink, there is always a moment when it just APPEARS,and in Trump’s case, his flush of evil reveals itself, showing its putrid disgusting self to the world at large.

I cry for the police who were brutalized, for the panic Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, EVERYONE felt, and I shiver in repulsion that this country suffered for four years with a monster behind the wheel of America’s foundation but — BUT — it will never happen again. Not on Kamala’s watch. Not on Jack Smith’s watch. Not on our watches.

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