Donald Trump just got the DOJ witness list against him – and he could finish himself off by morning
This evening the DOJ gave Donald Trump and his legal team the names of the witnesses scheduled to testify against him at his upcoming criminal trial, and the general parameters of their expected testimony, per Politico. This is standard procedure as part of the discovery process.
Trump is already under specific court order not to reveal any of this information publicly. But he’s lacking in self control, and he also tends to arrogantly think that he can win by breaking the rules, so there’s a good chance he’ll begin publicly attacking (or privately harassing) these witnesses before sunrise. If he does, he’ll find out very quickly that the criminal justice system has no tolerance for such things whatsoever.
Trump could quickly find himself hauled in for contempt of court if he even so much as reveals any of the names on the witness list. He could easily lose his pre-trial freedom over it. And if he attempts to contact any of the witnesses, he’ll get tampering charges tacked on.
This is why there’s reason to believe that Trump just might find a way to control himself and keep from revealing attacking these witnesses. It would be the dumbest move he could possibly make. Then again he keeps making very dumb moves of late. This will be an interesting test of what’s left of his rotting brain.
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report