Donald Trump just gave away the game

As you have probably heard Donald Trump is once again threatening to pull out of the September debate. Trump, on Sunday night, called ABC fake news and biased .He also questioned why the heck he’d even WANT to do a debate on a biased news station.
Some were quick to celebrate, thinking that Trump had pulled a chicken little and is no longer debating. I don’t see that happening, though. This is merely my opinion, but I do not see Donald Trump pulling out of the debate. You see, he has to do it. Were he to flee WITHOUT doing it, he;d be labelled a clucking chicken (he already is, as this writer has already witnessed many a chicken meme.)
I agree that Trump likely does not WANT to debate. How could he? The man is a grifter, sexual assaulter, and convicted felon. Now he has to stand beside a gifted and brilliant prosecutor who plans to nail his ass to the wall — and there’s nothing whatsoever he can do about it.
But in the end, despite all the threats of not doing it and and the whining, both of which come naturally to the traitor, I think he’ll be there. That does not mean he won’t complain some more, maybe threaten not to show up again or even several more times as the days go by. You know, one has to give it to Kamala Harris. Since Trump came down that escalator (Something wicked this way comes), he has been a study of arrogance, malcontent, and evil.
He has caused so much pain, done so many destructive things, bullied so many people, destroyed so many lives. It’s really almost unfathomable. But what do we see from Trump now as it relates to this debate? Fear.
Bright, unfettered, magnetic, flashing, ice-cold FEAR. How did he get that way? How did it come to this? It came to this because of a single woman, one lone woman who stands with confidence, like a glowing, impenetrable statue, with her laser tiger gaze fixed on the traitor, unafraid and unbroken, and he is mesmerized.
He is mesmerized by his own fear, by the woman who HAS little fear. He’s a terrified child afraid of the monsters in his closet — the monsters being his own fear and failures. Donald Trump has FINALLY given away the game. He is now OPENLY showing fear.