Donald Trump just gave away that he’s absolutely terrified of what comes next – and he’s utterly confused about what’s even going on

Donald Trump is currently on the wrong end of multiple civil trials, and he’s preparing to go on criminal trial this spring which will bring him the first of several prison sentences. Yet Trump is still out there masquerading as a 2024 presidential candidate. The thing is, even Trump isn’t buying it.
When Trump was asked this week what his final message is for Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, he went on an incoherent bender about “presidential immunity.” That’s right, Trump is so terrified of what’s happening to him in the criminal justice system, he can’t even focus on the campaign questions he’s being asked.
Of course this also gives away that Trump is utterly confused about what’s even going on. His gameplan is to go out there and masquerade as a candidate, so the general public will see him as a candidate instead of a criminal defendant. But he’s increasingly incapable of sticking to his own script.
Donald Trump’s recent behavior in public suggests that he’s no longer able to understand the context of what’s going on around him, or what kind of environment he’s in, or how he’s supposed to behave in any given arena, or even how he’s supposed to dress or groom himself. Now he’s out there giving confused courtroom answers to campaign questions. Trump is becoming the kind of confused, senile person who goes up to the counter at McDonald’s and tries to buy a new car. He really is slipping away by the day.