Donald Trump just flip flopped on Elon Musk

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When it was revealed that Elon Musk would be briefed on the United States’ secret contingency war plans against China, the backlash was swift and furious. For one thing, Elon Musk hasn’t been elected to anything. He also has deep financial ties to China. And Musk is a mentally incompetent psychopath whose behavior is becoming increasingly erratic.

Donald Trump appeared to be fully on board with this insane and treasonous idea, even going so far as to announce the briefing on social media this morning. But now Trump has announced this afternoon that the Musk briefing should not and will not happen. Of course such announcements may or may not correspond to anything that’s actually going on. Further, these kinds of announcements are almost surely being made on Trump’s behalf by his staffers.

This raises the question of who in Trump’s camp signed off on the Musk briefing to begin with, and who in Trump’s camp ended up pulling the plug on the briefing just hours later. With a senile Trump never seeming to have any clue what’s going on in his own regime, who exactly is making these decisions? It’s not just Musk who’s cosplaying President. So are, apparently, multiple other unidentified people within the Trump regime. The only thing we know for sure is that Trump himself doesn’t have a clue.

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