Donald Trump just blew it big time

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Some plans only work if they involve the element of surprise. Donald Trump used to understand that. In fact he used to use it to his advantage. He’d very loudly make hollow or impossible threats in order to get everyone to look in the wrong direction, while very quietly carrying out his actual evil plan while no one was looking.

Trump has slipped so badly in the cognitive department, his actions and behavior rarely resemble a “plan” anymore. Instead his babysitters tell him about a half-witted secret plan that probably wasn’t going to work anyway, and then he blabs about it and blows the element of surprise, thus giving the plan no chance of working.

That brings us to Trump’s latest plan. This week he blurted out that he’s planning to send law enforcement officials to polling places in order to monitor voting on election day. The thing is, he can’t do this. The courts ruled as much a long time ago. The only way this could possibly have worked for him was if he’d kept quiet about it, carried it out as a last minute surprise, and then counted on the damage being done at the polls before the courts could shut him down.

But because Donald Trump has become a babbling parody of himself, he blew the element of surprise by publicly bragging about his secret plan. This gives everyone involved, from state Attorneys General to the courts to the local boards of elections, time to shut Trump’s scheme down. Trump just blew it big time.

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