Donald Trump just belly flopped

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Donald Trump spent pretty much his whole political career lying about the size of the crowds that came to see his three-hour-rallies, from the time he announced that he’d run for president to his Inauguration Day, all the way up to his trial proceedings in New York City, where he’s never turned out a sizable crowd outside the courthouse. It’s gotten to where he pretends to see people outside of Trump Tower and wave in the streets. Naturally, when Trump faced impeachment, lost reelection and now faces conviction, his default threat would be that there’d be enraged people in the streets – essentially inciting violence due to his supposed overwhelming popularity.

The problem is that MAGA was trying to sell the public on how a conviction would make the former guy’s popularity surge, but their first event to try and protest it on Sunday was a flop, being held in reliably Republican Staten Island, where Donald Trump would inevitably have a few supporters. Instead of drawing thousands, maybe a few hundred people showed up, with Trump’s fellow criminal defendant (onetime Republican political celebrity) Rudy Giuliani among them. Like just about every facet of Donald Trump’s political career (his crowd sizes, his worth, his policies), this is yet another lie. After nearly a decade of this nonsense, the former guy is finally being realized for what he is – and this is why we need to overwhelmingly reject him on Nov 5.

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