Donald Trump just became the old man who’s lost a step

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If you’ve been following the 2024 election cycle closely and accurately, you know that Donald Trump has consistently shown signs of worsening dementia in nearly every one of his public appearances, whereas Joe Biden simply had one bad night. But because the media has been pushing a fictional version of the race in which Biden is senile and Trump is just sort of there, most people out there don’t even know that it’s Trump who’s lost a step. But that all changes now.
The media has spent the past few months framing this race as being all about how an elderly person who’s lost a step isn’t fit to be President. And now, even as the Democrats move forward with a young and energetic and savvy candidate in Kamala Harris, the Republicans are stuck with an elderly person who’s lost a step and isn’t fit to be President. If anything the joke is on the media. They tried to make Biden toxic, and in the process they made Trump toxic.
Now it’s Donald Trump who’s the oldest presidential nominee in U.S. history. Now it’s Trump who’s going to get all the focus for losing a step and not being able to speak coherently. Now it’s Trump whose age-related health is a concern. Trump is going to look like a walking corpse next to Kamala Harris. The game just changed entirely.
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