Donald Trump just admitted he’s “destined to fail”

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Donald Trump keeps losing in court over and over again, to the point that the rulings are negating the majority of his agenda. The Trump regime has tried a few instances of meekly trying to defy court orders by arguing technicalities, but this hasn’t been getting them anywhere. House Republicans are threatening to impeach judges who rule against Trump, but there aren’t the votes required to remove them.

In other words Trump is just stuck. Now he’s pretty much admitting it. Trump has announced on social media that if he’s not allowed to throw immigrants out of the country based on the mere suspicion that they may have committed a crime, “then our Country is in very big trouble, and destined to fail!”

In other words Trump is admitting that he’s destined to fail. That may not have been what he was hoping to convey, but there’s no other way to read it. Trump does not have the muscle to overpower the courts, or else he’d be doing it. Instead he’s sitting back and whining and making threats he can’t carry out – a sure sign that he knows he’s losing.

So what happens next? That’s unclear. Trump has a long history of failing to carry out numerous aspects of his agenda, only to turn around and falsely claim he accomplished those things. So it’s possible that Trump will ultimately end up failing on all of these fronts and then claiming victory. Given how deep into dementia Trump appears to be, it’s possible he’ll even believe he scored these imaginary victories.

This doesn’t mean the fight is over, or that the country is safe, or that everything is now suddenly fine. It’s not. Not even close. But after eight weeks of Trump and his regime moving as aggressively as possible in corrupt and unhinged directions, it now appears they’re already beginning to face the reality that they’re going to lose a number of these battles. That’s all the more reason for us to keep fighting.

We need $2,631 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50