Donald Trump Jr. has completely unhinged meltdown

We have all been witness to the insanity of the lord of the lies. Undoubtedly, Donald Trump has very serious issues and is a maniac. But the apple often does not fall far from the tree. And with the Trump family, that is most definitely true.
Donald Trump Junior is out of control. But his latest idiotic comments were extreme even for him. We have all heard about the terrible shootings on the Brooklyn Subway this week. Fortunately, the suspect is now in custody, and nobody was killed, which is utterly remarkable.
Apparently, paranoia has reared its head where way uncool Junior is concerned because Junior’s managed to turn the tragic shootings into political fodder — for his own cause, naturally.
Junior suggests that subway cameras in New York were purposely shut off so the shooting would not be recorded. You’re really losing it, Junior. Seek help now. I say this seriously. Junior made these comments on his safe space Twitter. Junior suggested that security cameras do not work only when Democrats are in charge.
This feeds a false narrative that Republicans often are fond of. That narrative is that it is only states run by Democrats that have issues like for example homelessness.
That, too, is a popular talking point — and utterly untrue. I myself have seen homelessness in Tennessee, Texas, Florida, and North Carolina — all red or purple states.
As Junior continued to whine, Twitter users put him in his place. One thing for non-Twitter users to know. Often it appears that someone has a massive amount of followers. In reality, though, many people follow specific individuals to poke fun at them. I believe, based on the Twitter responses Junior often gets, he is one of those people.
So once again, Junior made a fool of himself. This appears to be happening with increased regularity. Perhaps Junior is trying to divert people’s attention from his incriminating text messages. If so, it won’t work. Keep on whining, Junior. You’re showing your hand in the process.