Donald Trump is still doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding

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The setting was Helsinki in Finland. It was 2018, and Donald Trump, standing beside his hero Putin, announced he believed Putin over our own security agencies. This was about interfering in our elections. As you likely remember, Trump’s words caused shock to break out, and even today, those words live on in memory.

Of course, Trump at the time denied, denied, denied. Reporters misunderstood the words he said, Trump exclaimed. He lied. And finally, after all these years, the candidate of the Kremlin has spoken his truth.

On Truth social, Trump launched a bitter attack against the FBI and CIA. He accused them of undermining him. Then the Kremlin’s candidate said the following: “Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, president Putin of Russia or our intelligence lowlifes? My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people. Who would you choose, Putin or these misfits?”

And there it is. Out of the mouths of babes — in this case — the Kremlin’s baby, the king of Russian admiration, said it himself. From Trump with love — Russian love.

One need not look any further than these words to know Trump’s true nature. I cannot stress enough how awful these words are. I know I have written many articles on Trump. And he has had many outbursts. But these words are blasphemous. I truly hope the world is paying attention. I truly hope people care.

We care. So do most sane people. I expect the GOP will stay silent on this as they do on everything Trump does. They are nothing any longer than Trump’s useful idiots, just as trump is Putin’s useful idiot.

The danger that we intercepted and fought off in Trump is so huge, so startling that sometimes it feels like it couldn’t have been real. Who talks like that, one might ask? What kind of person would swear an alliance with a murderous dictator who executes children, families, and journalists?

The answer, of coarse, is Donald Trump. Trump lied all those years ago when he tried to deny what he’d said. This time he has finally said something true. He has shown us a bit of the darkness that makes up his core.

I love America. I’m sure you do as well. And I love Ukraine. Trump does not. He does, however, cherish and adore Russia. He devotes himself to the wants and needs of Putin. He shows solidarity with America’s enemies. He is truly the Kremlin’s candidate through and through.

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