Donald Trump is spending his Friday night staring at Fox News and screaming about how even that’s going poorly for him

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How poorly are things going for Donald Trump? He tried doing a swing state appearance, but ended up coming off as so incoherent he probably cost himself votes. Then he saw how ugly the headlines are getting for him, and threatened to put Google in prison. Trump has apparently since tried to find safe haven with Fox News. But even that’s going poorly for him.

After staring at Fox News for awhile tonight, Trump has now posted this outburst on social media: “Why does Fox put this FRAUDULENT LIAR on Television? Why don’t they put the people on that are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Fox is just as bad as she is!”

Trump of course hasn’t bothered to specify who the supposed “liar” is, or even who “she” is. That’s because he’s really not talking to anyone but himself. Trump is seeing everything bottoming out around him, and he’s desperately trying to convince himself that things aren’t as bad for him as everyone says they are. But it’s not helping him any. He’s cracking up in real time.

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