Donald Trump is “raging” behind the scenes

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It’s a beautiful watercolor painting, done all in blue. It hangs from the sky, shining in bright shades of Azure and aqua-marine. It is the picture to end all pictures – the picture is US. This magnificent picture, drawn oh so painstakingly, is driving Donald Trump crazy. Morning Joe saw it and spoke about it on his show on Monday.

“This is one of these things where you ask, are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”

“The fact is, the Harris rally was packed.”

“There was a lot of excitement there as more excitement than we’ve seen at a Democratic rally in a very long time.”

Contrary to what long-faced Republicans say, this excitement is not dying down but speeding up. Morning Joe remarked that this all reminded him a lot of 2008. BUT — BUT — What of the traitor? “He is raging behind the scenes,” explained Morning Joe.

He says sources inside the Trump campaign say he is furious as he sees his chances of winning getting further down the football field daily. Perhaps Donald Trump, slippery and untethered to reality, is asking himself that question.

Who to believe? The evidence or his own wishful thinking? Donald Trump’s lying eyes will always stay shut, blind to the truth. But his inner self? That’s another story entirely.

In his darkest hour, he knows exactly what is going on. He sees the picture though his lying eyes will not let him admit it out loud. Thus, that is where the rage comes from — pools of it, ugly rage, not going anywhere except deeper into his person.

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