Donald Trump is out to pasture

As President Musk was hard at work, ruining peoples’ lives, a certain “man” was elsewhere. The pudgy man waddled out onto the open field. Grizzled, and looking blearily half asleep, he perhaps licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come. That something was golf.
Golf. Golf. Golf. Golf. In case you didn’t get the message, it was golf. Yup, golf lay festering in the orange bobble’s mind. It seemed a high priority for him. So this man in all of his his stinking traitor non-glory, all decked out in golf regalia, proceeded to plod slowly around the course all day, playing golf as American people, the people he’s supposed to be presiding over, starve, lose their health benefits, lose their food stamps, lose their jobs, lose their homes, security, lose everything meaningful to them.
But all of this did not appear to matter to the scrambled egg of a slathering man, the butterball of human excrement as he golfed, and he golfed and he golfed some more. He spent the day happily happily, golfing away, trying to get the ball in the hole so he could brag about making a hole in one. Some of his friends closely followed him, but they weren’t REALLY his friends. Because Donald Trump has no friends.
This notable event occurred in Miami, Florida. Of course, it did. Trump has always been a lot more comfortable on hot and smoldering golf courses than he ever has been behind the polished walls of the White House, guiding the people, promoting positive change, and creating jobs. Ha ha ha ha ha, that is a fairytale. The only thing Donald Trump has ever created is chaos.