Donald Trump is now at the “somehow it will all work out” stage of his downfall

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Donald Trump got put in his place by Judge Tanya Chutkan this week, who used a hearing to inform Trump that she doesn’t care about his campaign obligations and will continue with pretrial hearings. Trump is also about to get told by Judge Juan Merchan that he has to face sentencing as scheduled. This all comes even as Trump remains behind in the polls and has all but given up campaigning in swing states.

So how is Trump viewing everything that’s happening to him? Tonight he posted on social media that “Somehow it will ALL work out – I don’t know how, I don’t know why, I don’t know when, but it always does!”

That’s right, Trump is now at the “somehow it will all work out” stage of his downfall. He has absolutely no idea how to save himself. He sees no path for survival. He’s instead settling for mere delusional hope that some kind of magic carpet rescue ride will come along and save him.

But this isn’t the movies, where the worse things get, the more likely it is that some kind of magical outcome will happen. This is real life, where the worse things get, the worse they are. More than ever, Trump is trying to comfort himself with imaginary scenarios where he somehow survives this. What’s surreal is that he’s now reduced to groveling like this in public.

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