Donald Trump is losing his hold

If you hear a roar in the dark of the night — an angry screech that seems to reverberate everywhere, it might be coming from Mar-a-Lago. Brace yourselves. There is news about his royal moron, the orange insurrectionist. And Trump, if he hears about THIS, will no doubt have a massive temper tantrum.
The place was MSNBC. The who was GOP strategist Susan Del Percio. And the what was the lord of the lies himself. Del Percio was speaking about Trump’s popularity among Republicans. And she had some grim news for the insurrectionist.
Trump’s rallies are shrinking. They’re attracting fewer people, dwindling crowds, and to put it bluntly, people are tired of assolini. “These crowds are getting smaller, and people aren’t buying into it,” Del Percio explained. “Republicans want to move on,” she continued.
“They don’t want to talk about the big lie. The people of this country don’t want to hear about it anymore.”
“They’re done with Donald Trump and his lies.”
“Except for a small group.”
And I agree.
We’ve outlined before the dismal crowd size of some of the traitor’s rallies. It’s slim pickings these days. The rallies are becoming more cumbersome, more of a headache. Nobody covers them. Smaller amounts of people straggle in. Trump is sounding burnt out.
The people are burnt out as well – on Donald Trump. Popularity is quite fickle. It can bloom brightly — for weeks or months or years — but when it falls — when the tides of adulation recede to a lonely trickle — it’s usually challenging to light that spark again.
And this is excellent news for us as well. This is excellent news because Trump doesn’t, in my opinion, give a damn about the GOP and who controls what in 2023.
All he cares about is getting positive reinforcement. The less he gets, the less likely he is to stump for Republicans because really, what is Trump without the popularity? Without the brainwashed crowds fiercely singing his name?
He will not want the humiliation of everybody seeing what a lonely place Trump rallies are, so he will likely have less of them. Won’t it be delightful when the horrible rallies are no more?