Donald Trump is having an unhinged meltdown about McDonald’s

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You knew it had to happen eventually. Donald Trump, who eats way too much McDonald’s for a man of his age declining physical condition, and has been known to throw ketchup at the wall when things go wrong for him, is now having an unhinged meltdown about McDonald’s. No, really.

It all started when Kamala Harris revealed that she worked at McDonald’s in her youth. She never put it on her resume, for the same reason I worked at Burger King in my youth but never put it on my resume. It’s not always relevant to future employment in other kinds of fields. Yet right wingers have decided to make a conspiracy theory out of it by claiming that Kamala somehow never worked at McDonald’s.

Now Trump himself is melting down about how Kamala Harris supposedly “NEVER WORKED THERE.” He’s also incoherently claiming that “they think she’s nuts.” Who thinks she’s nuts? Trump doesn’t even seem to know what he’s saying. Once Trump finished melting down about McDonald’s he also went on to claim that Kamala is lying about his Arlington National Cemetery Scandal. What’s incredible is that the idiot just keeps bringing up his own scandal and giving more oxygen. But really, when a presidential candidate is having a meltdown about McDonald’s, he’s already lost the plot.

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