Donald Trump is having an absolutely terrible 24 hours

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Why is it so difficult to believe that someone who hangs around with crooks is also a crook? Since stealing his way into the Oval Office, “president” Donald Trump has been surrounded by crooks, though he feigns innocence himself. From Roger Stone to Paul Manafort, they are all a bunch of thugs. It is, therefore, no surprise that Steve Bannon is right there with them. Trump gave these crooks high-level positions in his campaign and in his administration. He can claim all he wants that he was not aware of their criminal activities, but he would be—as usual—lying.

Bannon was indicted and arrested for helping to funnel money from a charity that was allegedly soliciting donations to help Trump build his wall. They called themselves “We Built the Wall.” Instead of putting these donations where they were intended, Bannon allegedly used many of the funds for his own personal expenses and to pad the pockets of the co-founder of this asinine organization. Remember when Trump promised to “drain the swamp?” How about when he promised to hire “only the best”? Bannon is one in a long line of Trump swamp dwellers who serve as additional examples of what a mistake the Trump “presidency” has been.

Bannon took over the Trump campaign after Paul Manafort had to step aside in scandal; he was eventually indicted and convicted of tax fraud and sentenced to 7 years. According to ABC News, Manhattan’s district attorney is currently fighting to reinstate charges against Manafort for residential mortgage fraud, which were earlier dismissed, based on an exception to the double jeopardy rules. Manafort was guilty of far more than the charges for which he was convicted, and the Manhattan DA wants him to serve time for everything. Then, we have Rick Gates, Manafort’s deputy campaign manager; Roger Stone, who needs no introduction; and Michael Flynn, who Trump has been trying to help. The only criminal who came, at least partially, clean is Trump’s former “fixer,” Michael Cohen. These criminals have gotten away with enough.

As the Hill points out, while Bannon’s crimes are not directly connected to the White House, those crimes are yet another look into the world of Donald Trump. The Hill also intimates some involvement by Trump’s new fixer, alleged AG William Barr, as being behind the resignation / termination of U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman. It now appears that Berman’s ouster resulted from the very investigation that led to Bannon’s charges.

Donald Trump has had a bad few days. He has yet another crony facing charges that carry a stiff prison sentence. He lost his appeal to stop the release of his tax returns and financial records to this same district attorney. Finally, and most embarrassing, was his response to President Obama’s speech, which was pure truth and which sent Trump into a conniption fit.

Continuing to believe “president” Trump is “innocent” considering his continued consorting with criminals would be like rewriting “Little Red Riding Hood” to show her conspiracy with the Big Bad Wolf to kill grandma for her jewelry. Yeah, we are not buying it.

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