Donald Trump is having a nervous breakdown

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There is the faint smell of Jasmine in the air. The warm breezes of August relax me. It’s a beautiful day in the place where I dwell. But it is NOT a beautiful day for Republicans. This is because, according to (numerous) reports, including even from a couple of REPUBLICAN news outlets — Republicans are panicking.

Some say they fear Donald Trump is having — or will soon have — a nervous breakdown. All this was on my mind as I gazed at the beautiful day before me. I had a question. This question was calling to me, demanding attention, begging for an article to be written with this blazing question at its center.


– Drop out

– Be replaced

– Go completely insane and be committed.

My friends, as I wrote in another article, he has become so much worse; his mental health has changed. If REPUBLICANS are now saying the quiet part out loud — that he is mentally unstable — that is an ominous sign for Trump.

Now, a nervous breakdown is VERY different from a psychotic break, and as I’ve said, I’m no psychologist. So yes, as I’ve said, I believe things are far more serious than that. But at last, it’s gotten through to some Republicans that their messiah is not perhaps playing with a full deck.

Kevin McCarthy appeared on TV the other day. KEVIN McCARTHY, friends and readers! Do you know what this means?

Many Republicans have all bit stopped their attacks on Kamala Harris. Instead, they are pleading for Trump to GAIN CONTROL of his extremely ailing campaign, which is rapidly turning into (turned into?) a shit-show.

McCarthy was one of those people who BEGGED Trump to pivot and PLEADED with Trump to DO SOMETHING! Many in the GOP are now VERY concerned about Trump’s mental health. Many suspect a breakdown. Many are worried that his mental heath won’t hold up until the election.

There has been spiraling, no doubt. So, as I sat in my chair, gazing out at the country’s beauty, I wondered if Trump had ever, for one moment, appreciated it. If he didn’t then, then he certainly isn’t now. Indeed, the quick transformation — from crazy to crazier to CRAZIEST– has been lightning-fast; a second in time, it’s just been stunning.

WILL Turmp be able to keep it together till November? And what happens if he can’t? Only fate knows the answer to that question, but one thing is definite. Things just got A LOT more scary for Republicans.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.