Donald Trump is giving away the game

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Donald Trump is the king of projection. Projection is the one thing he does well — well, perhaps the second thing he does well, as his biggest accomplishment to date is running the lives of everyone around him.

And now Trump, trapped by four looming criminal trials (with possibly more to come) has lashed out at President Biden, calling him of all things — a “MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.” Welcome to Trump’s island of projection. For those who might not know, The Manchurian Candidate is a book as well as a film.

A Manchurian candidate is a person who is used as a puppet by an enemy nation. “The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty and corruption.” So THIS is what Trump is calling our beloved president. And it is a classic case of projection.

That’s because it’s Trump who is the true Manchurian candidate. He has indicated with his actions and words that he loves countries like Russia a whole lot more than the United States of America.

Remember Trump’s comments in Helsinki when he stood beside Putin? He said these words: “He (Putin) just said it’s not Russia. I will say this; I don’t see any reason why it would be.”

Kind of self-explanatory, don’t you think? It is Trump who is a Manchurian candidate, Trump who has betrayed our nation — time and time again. He betrayed America when he stole classified documents AND when he fermented an insurrection AND when he tried to steal the good people of Georgia’s votes, AND many more times.

Over and over, like a record skipping, Trump’s done one thing — express his hatred of our country, its laws, and its majesty.

So Trump can lash out at Biden all he wants. It will do no good. Trump was America’s curse, its bruising nightmare that, for four years, falsely sat in the White House, betraying this action again and again and again.

Trump is projecting with these words, and everyone (sane) knows it. For it is Trump, a man with a soul locked in darkness, that is the true Manchurian candidate, and in a short time, he will be made to pay for his crimes against America.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.