Donald Trump is finally holding a rally – and the location seems to give something away

Last month Donald Trump’s handlers pulled the plug on the vast majority of his campaign rallies, citing budgetary issues, when it was pretty obvious that they were simply trying to keep him from humiliating himself. His dementia symptoms have gotten so severe that his every public appearance makes him less politically viable.
Since that time Trump’s babysitters have used excuses as silly as “the wind” for canceling Trump’s other planned rallies. In fact since his trial got underway, Trump has only spent one day campaigning. He has the weekends off from the trial, he has Wednesdays off, he even had a three day weekend in there. But he doesn’t do anything with it.
Now Trump has finally announced another rally, and this time the location is bizarre: New Jersey. No really, New Jersey. It’s a state that Trump has no chance of winning in November. Holding a rally there is mostly pointless. Yet New Jersey does have one thing going for it, which is that it’s geographically close to Trump’s New York trial.
It looks like Trump’s handlers are finally letting him hold a rally, but they’re making sure that it’s a short travel distance from the trial, in the hope that he won’t be quite so frazzled and confused by the time he gets there.
Travel takes a lot out of dementia patients, and can leave them more confused than usual. This appears to be an attempt at minimizing the effect of Trump’s dementia on his rally speech.
If so, it means that Trump is holding a rally that serves no political purpose whatsoever, other than to get the media to stop writing stories about how he’s not holding rallies anymore. It just keeps getting more embarrassing for him.