Donald Trump is essentially back on Twitter, and it’s time for Twitter to do something about it

The word Reflection has several meanings. One of them is “an image in a mirror, on a shiny surface.” I’m sure you’ve seen the flicker of glinting reflections when you gaze at a body of water. But there is another type of Reflection. This is the Reflection of words. Now, these types of reflections aren’t always easy to spot. But they exist.
Take social media, for instance. Donald Trump (also known as the Lord of the lies) has been banned from Twitter. For those on the site — isn’t it peaceful now? It is a great deal more harmonious now that one doesn’t have to see the constant meltdowns of hate by the baby Trump. Or do we?
I ask that question because of – reflections. You see, Trump’s words are pretty easy to spot. They’re easy to spot because they’re insane — sort of like he is. Nothing pours from the insurrectionist’s mouth that has any bearing in reality.
Liz Harrington is Trump’s spokesperson. And lately, she’s been tweeting — a lot. Some of her tweets seem a bit unhinged. Many on Twitter have speculated that Donald Trump is speaking through her. I believe that’s true, ESPECIALLY since she doesn’t seem to tweet anything unless it’s about Trump.
Take this tweet by Liz: “a crime as the act of treasonous espionage itself. It is showing the world why our media is truly the enemy of the people.” Hmmm. Reflections. And some of the tweets are from Trump because Liz admits it. Here is an example and witness true paranoia at its highest:
President Donald J. Trump:
Much of the now-uncovered espionage campaign of the Democrats breaking into the White House and my New York City apartment took place after the 2016 election.
Here is the thing about reflections. We can make them vanish if, for example, we turn away from the body of water where the Reflection appears.
Likewise, many on Twitter are trying to do that with Liz. These people are emailing Twitter asking that she either be banned or the statements from Trump be taken down since, after all, he WAS banned. So really, he should not be speaking through other people. If you’re on Twitter and want to help, go for it. The more people tweet about it, the more likely something will be done.