Donald Trump is “confused and tired”

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Donald Trump has once again sparked health concerns over his rapidly declining mental abilities. This alarming concern was further highlighted during Trump’s awful interview with his staunch enabler, Sean Hannity.

“Confused and tired.”
Social media was abuzz with comments about Trump’s apparent exhaustion and the surprising need for Hannity to guide him through the interview, urging him to maintain focus.

“Look at his pupils they have a million lights on him in the studio, they should be tiny.” Someone else chimed in on social media, saying that “enlarged pupils are a sign of cognitive distress.”

During the interview, Trump struggled to keep up with the (mainly softball) questions. Hannity also slipped effortlessly back into codependency, trying his very best to get Trump to say he would not seek vengeance on his political enemies.

It didn’t work, but you probably did not need me to tell you that. Watching Sean Hannity frantically attempt to turn around the image of a convicted felon and a traitor was rather amusing. It was sort of like watching a rat try to find its way out of a very confusing maze. Hannity’s efforts were all for naught.

Then disaster struck. Toward the end of the interview, Trump called out Hannity. “Look, I know you want me to say something nice.” No, no, Hannity was quick to say. “I’m asking.” Sigh. It really WAS a bit painful. Two things of note here.

First, Trump’s mental decline is continuing, and that was painfully obvious. It was very easy to see. Second, Hannity needs a life coach to explain that traitors come and traitors go, but the one thing traitors NEVER EVER do is change their spots.

They won’t, and they can’t. One does not turn evil on and off like a light switch. It is simply not possible for these most evil of evil thugs. That is, after all, WHY these people are traitors.

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