Donald Trump is confused

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Donald Trump keeps periodically going out there and giving political speeches, because if he were to stop doing so, people would figure out he’s not really running for anything and is merely running from the law. The trouble for Trump is that each time he goes out there, he further outs himself as being cognitively impaired โ€“ and that senility just keeps getting worse.

For instance, Trump attempted to say something coherent this weekend, but instead this came out of his mouth:

This isn’t a matter of getting tongue tied. These aren’t senior moments. This is a senile man who’s so far gone, he can’t even remember that he’s supposed to read the words on the teleprompter, and is instead speaking fully incoherent words that he thinks are coherent. His mind is a goner. By all means he should keep talking.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.