Donald Trump is angry

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The king of mayhem, insurrection, and destruction is reportedly angry. Yes, Donald John Trump, according to multiple reports, is enraged at his tiny, itty-bitty crowd size. Trump’s recent Wisconsin rally, in particular, has got the convicted felon furious as he admitted to Kellyamne Conway he’s pissed.

Trump also had an excuse for his piddling crowd – it’s Joe Biden’s fault! Hahaha! Trump would blame his McDonald’s orders being late on Biden! Trump loves to blame Biden for things that are entirely his own doing. Let’s look at Donald Trump’s crowd size and break it down. Let’s start with the following message for Trump from this writer: “Let him eat cake!”

Donald Trump is the living walking personification of the spoiled and privileged wanna-be dictator. He has NO concept and no idea how the other half lives. He has no idea about the middle class. He has no idea about the working class. He is clueless about humanity in general.

When Donald Trump looks at his tiny crowds, he feels rage as only a narcissist would. Instead of asking himself WHY his crowds have been shrinking, he blames someone else—of course he does. That is his MO—blame anyone but himself. Trump also claimed that thousands were waiting to attend his recent Wisconsin rally. This writer really doubts that.

Let’s go back to cake for a minute. Imagine a large, sumptuous, delicious, freshly baked enormous cake. There it stands! That cake represents the size of a crowd. Donald Trump’s crowds? Well, that consists of crumbs—cake crumbs—not even a full piece. This is because people are turned off by Donald Trump, who does not understand people or their suffering.

That is why people are now leaving his rallies early. That is why he cannot fill stadiums. Nobody wants to hear about sharks and Hannbal Lecter. They want to know what he will do for them. The answer is — nothing. And many are realizing that. So they stay home. They don’t come out for his dull and numbingly boring speeches—that is, it in a nutshell. Donald Trump is boring.

He has no crowds because he’s boring. He has rows of empty seats because he’s dull as dishwater. He has turned people off because of his inability to understand the needs of others, particularly the less fortunate ones, the ones NOT born with silver spoons in their mouths.

“Let him eat cake!” There is no cake for Trump. There is no audience. There are no rapt and interested faces. There is only one insensitive, cruel jerk who has turned off the majority of people and will continue to do so.

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