Donald Trump has utterly psychotic Christmas meltdown as it all goes wrong for him

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Most of you have been spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day enjoying yourselves, or at least trying to have a good time. Some of you have no doubt had a rough weekend. But seeing how none of you are on the verge of getting criminally indicted for espionage and other crimes even as your home state dismantles your corporation, most of you probably aren’t as miserable right now as Donald Trump is.

Just how miserable is this guy? As per policy, we’re not going to post his latest meltdown in full. But suffice it to say that he’s now resorting to referring to himself as “Brilliant” and “Clairvoyant” (both capitalized). Someone should probably tell him that people who are actually brilliant don’t have to announce that they’re brilliant.

Trump is also accusing the FBI of paying the media to prop up President Biden (an accusation so unintentionally hilarious we can’t help but giggle), and he’s hurling insults at Biden that are so witless and offensive, we’re not even going to bother repeating them.

Trump is also insisting that DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith and his wife hate him “more than any other person on earth.” And to underscore the sheer stupidity of the whole thing, at one point Trump puts his own name in quotation marks for no apparent reason.

The point is that Donald Trump is completely, utterly, and psychotically losing it. This was supposed to have been his Christmas message to the American people, and this is what he came up with. The happier the rest of us are, the more miserable this guy is. Of course the more miserable he becomes, the happier the rest of us are, so it all works out.

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