Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about Tic Tacs

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I’m one of those people who adore Tic Tacs. I ALWAYS have some near me.

Tic Tacs, however, took on a new meaning on Wednesday. That meaning was insanity.

Donald Trump inexplicably decided to do a rally in one of the most liberal cities in North Carolina.

Asheville, one of the most breathtaking cities THIS writer has ever visited, is also — liberal. Wildly liberal. Trust Trump to do something stupid. Stupid IS indeed his middle name, as you know.

So Trump chose to speak about the economy, which,as you know, is doing remarkably well! Only Trump says it isn’t. And he had the Tic Tac recipes to prove — he’s a lunatic.

As you know, my dear smart, savvy Palmer Report readers, I seldom quote the jellyfish unless he says something SO off the wall. In this case, he did.

Allow me, if you will, to SHOW you what he said.

Crazy man — “I have something here.”
(Searches pockets.)

“I don’t know if you’ve seen it.”

“I’ve used it once.”

“I have it, I do have it.”

(White Tic Tac Box pulled out.)

“So this is Tic Tacs, right?”

“I don’t know if I like the company.”

“I’ve never met,”

“I have no idea,”

“They are so lucky, look at all the televisions — this is the greatest commercial they ever had.”

(second Tic Tac box comes into view.)

“But this is what happened.”

“This is inflation!”

(Crazy man waves Tic Tac box around wildly.)

“This is Tic Tac.”

“This is Tic tac.”

“This is inflation.”

“This is what’s happened.”

The Republican nominee for President, everyone!

OK. So much to unpack here. First of all, I’d like to solemnly offer my apologies to the poor Tic Tac boxes, whom I am certain did not consent to be waved around like that by Mr. Nutter.

Second — at this point, I am convinced some who go to see Mr. Nutter “speak”, do it because they want a bit of comedy in their lives. I mean this can be a tough world sometimes! Everyone needs a bit of laughter. And who better to laugh at than Donald John Trump?

Will we see his evil twin, JD Vance, imitate him and start waving Tic Tac boxes around? Perhaps.

It was a poor analogy. Do you know what the economy is?

The economy right now, right at this VERY moment, is a big bank vault covered in gold, silver, and lots of money.

That’s right. MONEY.

The economic news that’s come out this week is GREAT. Inflation has fallen. Jobs are being created. And somewhere, a nutter stands hysterically wanting around Tic Tac boxes, looking for all the world like the walking definition of self-humiliation.

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