Donald Trump has reached the hallucination stage of his dementia

Donald Trump on Friday made a bizarre claim while making a speech to the NRA. What Trump said is so off the wall I barely know how to begin. But basically, Trump said he witnessed a theft. It was a man — a migrant — shoplifting. This is what Trump claims to have seen. What did he steal? Well — according to his royal madman — A refrigerator.
Oh nooo. It’s happening again! Trump is either lying or his brain’s fallen and it can’t get up. This bizarre claim is just the latest in a string of bizarre claims by Donald Trump, whose brain seems to be every which way but lose these days.
One lone shoplifter lifting a refrigerator? Lifting it. Taking it. Out of the store. Can somebody fetch a doctor? Let’s look at this together. One person can’t shoplift a refrigerator. There is no way that it could happen. End of story.
This is alarming because one has to ask, was this image Trump saw even actually REAL? Perhaps he imagined it. Is he starting to hallucinate now? Remember that line in Sixth Sense, “I see dead people?”
Well, trump sees — refrigerators. Men with refrigerators. It is ironic that this is happening now, as Trump’s week is about to kick into gear quickly with lots of bad news for him — perhaps he’ll burst into song in the courtroom about little shiny men with refrigerators strapped to them. Wouldn’t that be something?