Donald Trump has reached the full blown hallucination stage of his collapse

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When VP Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her running mate yesterday, Donald Trump launched a weirdly misguided attack on Walz, calling him “radical left.” That’s sort of laughable, and it gives away that Trump has no idea how to attack Walz, just as he still has no idea how to attack Harris. That’s bad enough for him. But it gets much weirder.

While Trump was attacking the Walz pick on social media, he claimed that President Joe Biden is considering showing up to the Democratic National Convention to try to take back the nomination from Kamala Harris. This isn’t just weird, it’s the stuff of hallucinational delusion.

Trump knows he’s losing to Kamala Harris, he knows the Tim Walz pick is solid, and he sees no path for competing against the Harris-Walz ticket. So instead he’s making up fantasies about how Biden and Kamala are somehow going to duke it out for the nomination at the convention. Who knows, maybe they’ll arm wrestle each other to see who gets to be the nominee. That’s absurd beyond laughable, but it seems to be what Trump is counting on.

This isn’t surprising. Trump’s best shot in this election was if there was some kind of contested Democratic National Convention, where some within the party were trying to use the convention to force Biden out of the race, or where Biden was already out and multiple Democrats were fighting each other for the nomination. But that kind of scenario never emerged. Biden wisely handed off directly to Harris, she ran with it brilliantly, and now the Democratic Party is the most enthusiastically united it’s been in quite some time.

This election is still far from over. Think about how much has happened in the past twenty days. Now remind yourself that there are another ninety days to go. But you’d clearly rather be Kamala Harris than Donald Trump right now, by a mile. Harris has the momentum on the ground, the fundraising, and the polls all shifting in her favor. No wonder Trump is reduced to hallucinating about an imaginary battle between Joe and Kamala at the convention. Such a thing would never, ever happen. But it’s the only thing Trump has left to comfort himself with on his way down.

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