Donald Trump has insane meltdown about monsters or something

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As Donald Trump’s life continues to get dismantled around him, and as his cognitive abilities continue to collapse, what comes out of Trump’s mouth is more extremist and incoherent than ever. For instance, Trump has long based his political life around dishonestly demonizing immigrants. But he used to know how to phrase it in such a way that it gave him deniability with moderate voters.

These days Trump just says whatever hideous thing he really wants to say, without bothering to code it. And why not? He now lives in a senile fantasyland where everyone agrees with him. So now he’s having moments like this one today, where he went on a bender and labeled immigrants “monsters” in the process:

Keep talking, Donald. The more Donald Trump says things like this, the more non-viable he makes himself with general election voters. Of course if Trump weren’t so senile, he’d understand that.

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