Donald Trump has completely unhinged meltdown as he figures out Special Counsel Jack Smith is going to indict him

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I’ve already spelled out why Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of a new Special Counsel to look into the Biden classified documents matter is a good thing, and why it almost certainly means the DOJ has already decided to criminally indict Donald Trump. Not everyone is going to agree with my interpretation of these events. But one person very much appears to agree with my take, and that’s Donald Trump himself.

Right after Garland made his announcement, Donald Trump appeared on a right wing radio show and had his most unhinged meltdown about Special Counsel Jack Smith to date. Trump incoherently suggested that “Smith” isn’t even his real name, before flat accusing him of being a “terrorist.” He then randomly claimed that Jack Smith and former prosecutor Andrew Weissman are “best friends.” Then he began attacking Smith’s wife and Smith’s wife’s sister.

Donald Trump has been griping about Jack Smith from the start, but this is over the top even for him. There’s a reason for this. Trump now has no doubt whatsoever that he’s about to be criminally indicted. Over the past week we’ve seen various media reports about just how many Trump-world people Smith has been subpoenaing over the past two months. But when you look at the timing, it’s Garland’s appointment of this other Special Counsel that seems to have caused Trump to conclude that Jack Smith is definitely indicting him. And Trump knows there’s nothing he can do about it, beyond running his mouth in ineffective whiny fashion.

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