Donald Trump has completely senile golf meltdown

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There are some stories that simply write themselves. These stories are usually fun – and sometimes quite humorous. Take THIS story. It’s a story about President Joe Biden, Donald John Trump, and a whole lot of projection.

Donald Trump has come out and accused Biden of lying about his golf game. “He can’t hit a ball 100 yards,” Trump declared. Let me repeat this for posterity. Trump is accusing BIDEN of lying about golf? This is just so funny.

This is like Clarence Thomas accusing some judges of accepting too many lobbyist gifts. Or Lindsey Graham accusing someone of being too much of a Trump sycophant. Trump’s lies about his mythical golf scores are well known. Indeed, everything and anything that Donald Trump lies about is well known.

Trump may be envious of Biden. That’s what I think. President Biden has it over Trump in a virtually EVERY manner. He’s smart. Trump is not. He has a good marriage. Trump does not. He is loyal and loved.

Trump is not either loyal OR loved. He is a great President. Donald was a horrific president. Joe Biden reminds people of a family member, a friend, an accomplished teacher, or a professor.

Donald Trump reminds people of the bowels of hell. President Biden is a gift to the American people, a gift a gift of honor, wisdom, and democracy.

Trump was a Pandora’s box of hate, a nightmare to the American people, a foul smell nobody wanted to get close to. President Biden is honest. Donald Trump is a liar. President Biden immediately gave any classified documents he had back. Trump moved them, stole them, hid them, and is now being prosecuted for keeping them,

Biden is a law abiding citizen, Donald Trump is a lawless criminal, President Biden believes in a woman’s right to choose, in climate change, and that America is truly great.

Donald Trump hates women, believes in tax breaks for the top one percent, and hates America. President Biden’s poll numbers are soaring high as more and more people wander home to him. Donald Trump’s poll numbers are dropping into a bottomless pit. President Biden will win a second presidential term because the people love him. Donald Trump will go directly to jail.

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