Donald Trump has bonkers meltdown about how he froze up during his speech

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Donald Trump gave two speeches this weekend, and they were each embarrassing reminders of why his handlers have mostly kept him from giving speeches for the past month. Trump spoke in gibberish words, got the people in his life confused for each other, and nearly fell over and then blamed the stage.

Trump also froze up for a good thirty-five seconds amid ongoing teleprompter problems, a reminder that he truly doesn’t know what’s going on or what to say when he’s not being fed lines directly.

Now that the headlines are calling out Trump over his mentally vacant freeze-up, he’s angrily ranting on social media about how it wasn’t actually a freeze-up. He’s claiming that he merely stopped to listen to the music – which isn’t better. Trump is also claiming that President Biden planted this story about him, which is… not mentally competent.

Donald Trump’s real problem is that he’s so narcissistically thin skinned, each time the media runs headlines about his worsening senility, he makes it a far bigger story by making ludicrous excuses. If Trump wants his cognitive decline to be the story, then so be it. In such case he won’t even make it to November.

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