Donald Trump has berserk meltdown, begins making insane threats, after Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris

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It wasn’t a big surprise when Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris this week, as Liz Cheney had been trending in that direction for awhile. It was more of a revelation today when her father Dick Cheney also endorsed Kamala Harris. Dick Cheney was a Republican U.S. Vice President, and it’s almost unprecedented for this to be happening. It’s not surprising that Donald Trump is taking the news poorly.

Trump exploded on social media, insisting that “Dick Cheney is an irrelevant RINO.” But then Trump went on to insist that Liz Cheney and unspecified other people “should be prosecuted for what they did.” That’s right, Trump is responding to Dick Cheney’s endorsement of his opponent by calling for Dick Cheney’s daughter to be criminally prosecuted.

This is unhinged even for Donald Trump. He’s desperately trying to come off as some sort of strong man by saying these kinds of things. But all Trump is doing is revealing just how weak he is. Does he really think that the Cheneys are going to cower to him just because he’s running his mouth about them?

If anything, Trump’s empty words about the Cheneys are going to let everyone see that Trump’s threats are now completely toothless – which could inspire other political conservatives to go ahead and endorse Kamala Harris.

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