Donald Trump has berserk meltdown as President Biden nails it on 60 Minutes

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In times of international crisis, America (and the world) looks to the President of the United States for leadership. For four years, that mostly resulted in blank stares of disbelief at the idea that someone as unserious as Donald Trump could possibly be that person. But now that Joe Biden is in charge, it’s a very different situation.

President Biden appeared on 60 Minutes on Sunday night and hit it out of the park in response to question after question. So naturally, Trump is now accusing 60 Minutes of having fed Biden the answers. Trump is even insisting that the interview was a “campaign contribution” from CBS to Biden. Yes, Trump is that far gone.

Or course this is all projection. Donald Trump keeps having one senile moment after another in his recent public appearances, to the point that even the mainstream media is finally starting to talk about it. Trump typically comes off as confused and unsure of where he is or what he’s supposed to be talking about.

So Trump is surely aware on some level that his mind is going. When he sees President Biden giving such savvy answers in TV interviews, he has to try to convince himself that they must somehow be feeding Biden the answers.

Trump can whine and gripe all he wants about how thoroughly President Biden is nailing the current Middle East crisis, but that whining is not going to help Trump any. When Trump is reduced to spinning bizarre conspiracy theories on social media about Biden’s TV interviews, even as Trump rambles incoherently about nonsense like an “Autoworker Death March” in that same social media post, Trump is simply toast.

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