Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about how he’s about to “become a common criminal”

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The case hasn’t even gone to the jury yet, but Donald Trump clearly believes he’s going to be convicted in his New York criminal trial. Trump’s handlers appear to have broken the news to him that he’s going down, and he’s angrily ranting accordingly.

Trump just posted a surreal meltdown on social media about how hard it is to fathom that a former President of the United States is about to “become a common criminal.” Of course Trump doesn’t get the real story here, which is how absurd it is that a common criminal like him managed to become President of the United States.

But the upshot is that Trump fully expects to be convicted. If his lawyers and babysitters thought there were any realistic chance of an acquittal or even a hung jury, he’d be talking about how that’s going to happen – not lamenting about how he’s about to become – in his words – a “common criminal.”

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