Donald Trump has become an albatross around the Republicans’ necks

The news just keeps getting worse for Donald Trump. Frank Luntz is a pollster — a Republican pollster. And in an interview, he made some startling claims about how many Republicans REALLY feel about the orange bat.
They laugh at him, explained Luntz. Luntz was speaking to The Daily Beast when he made these startling remarks. Luntz explained that many in the GOP secretly mock Trump and call him a “child.” This writer thinks a big, screaming baby is more accurate.
“They won’t say it in public, but behind his back, they think he’s a child.” You don’t say? “They’re laughing at him.” So are we, Republicans. So are we. “Many Republicans are tired of going back and rehashing the 2020 election,” Luntz continued. “Everybody else has moved on.” Luntz also offered this: “In Washington, everyone believes he lost the election.”
This type of talk is being heard more and more. So what gives? Why now? I do not believe it has anything to do with the GOP suddenly “seeing the light.” Oh, don’t get me wrong, they see a light, alright. It’s a flashing neon light, and the words it’s screaming are “midterms, midterms.”
It makes sense. Trump is an albatross around the necks of many in the GOP. They must keep him happy or — gasp– he might say something bad about them! At the same time, many must be worried about Trump’s influence on their precious House and Senate seats.
The insurrectionist must be driving them crazy with his continued claims the election was stolen (it wasn’t), attacks on Moscow Mitch, and his endorsement of many a disastrous candidate. This isn’t exactly the stuff that winning is made of.
So, yes, I believe all the backdoor whispering is likely true.. Of course, most Republicans are way too cowardly to say such things publicly. So, it’ll be our job to challenge them.
Just how DO they feel about Trump? Do they believe Biden is the duly elected president? These are the questions we must ask. Keep em on defense, and hopefully, we can win it all.