Donald Trump has angry meltdown after brutal day in court

You’re always having a pretty bad day by definition when you’re on criminal trial. But Donald Trump is having a particularly bad time of it so far and things got even worse for him today. His gag violation hearing went so bad for his side, the judge ended up telling Trump’s attorney that he had lost all credibility. Then Trump‘s pal David Pecker, took the stand and confessed that he and Trump strategically manufactured fake news stories in order to alter the outcome of the 2016 election.
By the time Trump left the courtroom, his chances of surviving this trial were in tatters. So it’s not surprising that he stopped and had a total meltdown in front of reporters on his way out of the building. Trump whined that the court room was way too cold. Then he whined about his gag order. Then he ranted about President Biden.
At this point it’s clear that Donald Trump is just plain worn out. There’s just about nothing left of this guy. And we’re only on the second official day of the trial. He’s going to go a lot further downhill as it gets worse for him.