Donald Trump has a real problem

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One thing that’s not been discussed regarding the Trump debate fallout is MAGA. On the night of the debate, I was privy to a unique perspective in the MAGA community. What I have to say may surprise you. Sure, there were oodles of Maga yelling their usual garbage, saying the debate was rigged. But there were LOTS — I repeat LOTS — of Maga saying something else.

I was there. I saw it. So let me tell you about — despondency. Because that’s what this writer saw—despondency and — and — gloom. Here are some MAGA quotes:

“Well, I guess it’s Kamala for the next four years.”

“He had ONE thing to do, ONE thing — and he couldn’t do it.”

“Sure wish Nikki Haley was still in the race.”

(In response to another Maga saying the debate was rigged.)

“Stop it—just stop it! There’s no way any of us can spin this debate.”

“He looked ill. I’m concerned.”

“We wanted to own the libs but it’s got me thinking maybe we should have nominated someone else.”

I saw it. I was there. I was invisible to them, but I saw it. I saw Maga — using logic and REASON. It is a testament to how awful Donald Trump did that HIS OWN VOTERS saw it. These are NOT people who are known to be introspective. Yet some were in this night — some were. I saw sadness, disappointment, and anger but not at us—at their guy—at Donald Trump himself.

Was it one night of sanity? Who knows. Was it a slight breaking through, a sliver of light, a tentative awareness? Who can tell? All I know is I saw it. I saw that for at least one night some of the Maga had the facts straight. It is a bit of a miracle, really.

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