Donald Trump had best be careful with this

Donald Trump on Friday, launched another rotten screed at General Milley, calling him a “moron” and “slow moving.” Trump also called Mark Esper a “woke fool” and said his words were “stupid and dangerous.” Have you noticed that Trump’s incoherent babblings seem to get even worse than usual whenever he gets bad news?
And he received a lot of bad news on Friday. The first of his partners in slime flipped (Scott Hall). There are rumors that others are about to flip. Trump was also forced to leave his Georgia case at the state level, rather than trying to take it federal. And that’s not even counting the gigantic fraud ruling earlier on in the week.And let’s not forget: his trial starts on Monday.
I do think there is a correlation between Trump’s mood swings and the way his trials are going. This week its literally all been bad news for the traitor. So yes he might be tempted to let off a bit more steam than usual. He’d best be careful though.
Because Trump (indicted, insurrection party, Hell) is edging closer and ever-closer to being found in contempt of court and thrown in the clink. If Trump thinks things are bad NOW, wait until he has to call a tiny little cell (with bars on it) his new home.
Perhaps he well knows that but simply cannot stop himself. In any event. it does seem every week I say, “this week has been awful for Donald Trump.” I see no reason to stop now. This week has been awful for Donald Trump. And by the looks of things, they’re only going to get worse.