Donald Trump goes off the senile deep end during attempt at New Jersey rally speech

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Donald Trump very rarely holds rallies these days, as his handlers keep finding excuses to cancel most of them. But right now he’s holding a rally in New Jersey, a state that he has no chance of winning. It appears his babysitters decided to let him hold a rally near his New York criminal trial, in order to minimize the strain on his brain from travel, just to keep him happy.

In any case, despite only having to travel one state over for the rally, Trump’s cognitive abilities are fully fried. During his attempt at giving a rally speech today, Trump accused Chinese President Xi Jinping of having ships circling Beijing but refusing to do anything with them:

It’s difficult to even know what to make of this. Beijing is the capital of China. So is Trump bashing Xi for refusing to invade his own country? Also, Beijing isn’t on the water. Maybe Trump is talking about North Korea. But how senile do you have to be to think that Beijing is in North Korea? There’s just nothing left of this guy’s brain.

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