Donald Trump goes off the senile deep end about water

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If anyone ever had any doubts about Donald Trump’s lack of brain power, let nobody wonder anymore. Water! The following are the words of Assolini himself, who once again wandered away from the herd to graze at various things that made no sense whatsoever.

Trump was speaking with Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday when his brain power — or lack thereof — came popping up, making a crazed run for the waters of complete incoherence, diving into brain chaos, and surfacing with a rant that rose like a typhoon to drench Hewitt with the crumbling infrastructure of brain gone missing.

Here before you is some of what this drowning brain had to say:

“I have things out in California.”

“You know, it’s so beautiful.”


“You, know, water.”

“I had a deal for water to come down from the north.”

“They have so much water.”

“They don’t do it.”

“Because they’re trying to protect a tiny, tiny, little fish that hasn’t made it.”

“Millions of gallons of water is sent into the pacific ocean.”

“Routed right into”


“of coming down throughout California.”

Well now. That sounded — sane. The mention of a ‘tiny, tiny little fish’ was a new one. Perhaps these minuscule creatures are in Donald Trump’s brain, swimming around. After all, RFK Junior had a worm in his brain. Why can’t Donald Trump have a fish in HIS? It would certainly make much more sense than anything he said to Hugh Hewitt.

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