Donald Trump goes completely berserk after Mazars sells him out to New York prosecutors

Dear Palmer Report readers: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,853 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate what you can.

As the Democrats are busy helping the American people and doing what elected officials who are honest and sane do, there exists an enraged and bitter insurrectionist who has been left behind. He’s been left to his own devices — abandoned to wallow in his failures of which there are too many to count. In fact, I believe this person could make the world’s record for most failures ever. This person is orange, has no soul, and is surrounded by sycophants. This person is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has had a bad start to 2022, which is excellent news. And with Lady Justice closing in, it appears the man is losing it even more than usual. As you know, Trump’s accounting firm Mazars has abandoned him. This is not good news for the orange beast, and he likely knows it.

Never one to keep his feelings to himself, Trump put out a statement. And though I usually don’t like to write about his statements (because let’s face it — they’re typically incoherent) — this one deserves some words.

The reason is that it is even more wildly insane than most of assolini’s statements. And it is somewhat amusing. In his long and rambling statement, Trump offered his own unique explanation for why Mazars had cut and run. According to the insurrectionist, Democrats forced the firm to resign.

“The accounting firm Mazars has been threatened, harassed, and insulted as virtually no other firm has ever been,” the statement read. Trump said Mazars were “scared beyond belief.” I’m sure they were, but not for the reasons Trump says.

This statement shows how far gone Trump is and has been. I don’t know if he really believes the insane garbage he puts out, but it seems evident to me that the man is falling apart quickly.

Dear Palmer Report readers: at this crucial time in our nation's history, we're ramping up our fight against the Trump regime on the editorial and activism fronts. We're adding staff. We're expanding our publication schedule. We're working with activist groups to coordinate messaging. We're not giving up without a fight. Our fight requires resources. We need to raise $3,853 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate what you can.