Donald Trump goes berserk over his financial collapse

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

Picture if you can, a room. This room contains — creatures. They scamper across its floors. There are things running about in there that would make any horror film pale in comparison. This room has on its doors a lock. Until not long ago, the lock was a tiny bit open, but nowhere close to being completely unlocked.

Until very recently. And now, the lock is gone. And the door to this room has been torn clear off its hinges. This disgusting and foul-smelling room of evil is Donald Trump’s brain. You see, he’s getting worse, my friends. This is because of his narcissistic collapse, which we’ve often spoken of.

As the future comes into plain sight for the traitor, those critters and horrors in his brain scuttle about, more — and more — and more. And when they do, in true narcissistic fashion, Trump lets loose with one of his unhinged attacks, only these attacks are MORE more menacing, MORE bizarre.

As you know, Trump, lurching about in full senility these days, has made chatter about sharks and Hannibal Lecter, and now it appears Forbes is the latest target of Trump’s. Forbes, you may ask. What do THEY have to do with anything? Everything. But first, let’s talk about what Trump did on Monday.

Donald Trump accused Forbes of being a “propaganda machine — for China.” He’s gone around the bend, people. It’s happened. Trump lashed out, saying Forbes has a “soviet wealth fund.” His rage seemed to know no bounds. Why? Because he didn’t make the Forbes list this time.

Forbes has a list of the wealthiest 400 people in America. Guess whose name was conspicuously absent? So Trump, BEING Trump — and being a psychopath — decided to strike at Forbes — despite it being HIS fault that he’s not rich enough to make the list.

As we know — for Trump — image is literally EVERYTHING. And his image right now is that he’s — broke. “I should be high up on that now very dated and discredited antique,” Trump snarled. “Chinese Propaganda machine, EXPOSED.” Methinks the man doth protest too much.

On the plus side, no man-eating sharks were mentioned nor were cannibals. Trump did not say President Jeb Bush, nor did he talk about World War Two. On the minus side, poor America still has to hear his rambling rants that make no sense to anyone who isn’t crazy.

On the PLUS side again, hopefully, when Trump goes to prison, that will be the last we hear of him. And congratulations, Donald, on being kicked off the Forbes list. We always knew you were lying about how rich you were.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.