Donald Trump goes berserk after NFL commissioner goes against him

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To fully understand the shift that’s taken place in American society when it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement, consider that Mitt Romney of all people was out there marching with the protesters on Sunday, even as NFL commissioner Roger Goodell publicly apologized to black football players for not having listened to their concerns about racial injustice.

Donald Trump doesn’t seem to understand that while the NFL “kneeling” controversy may have worked for him as a wedge issue a couple years ago, the numbers are no longer on his side. It’s why Goodell went against him on this and sided with the players. When quarterback Drew Brees stated several days ago that he was still opposed to kneeling during the National Anthem, his teammates and league-mates ate him alive for it, prompting him to back down and apologize. When Trump criticized Brees for caving, Brees responded by publicly telling Trump that he was wrong and he should back off.

Trump still seems unable to figure out that this is now a losing issue for him and that he should leave it alone. Late on Sunday night he tweeted, “Could it be even remotely possible that in Roger Goodellโ€™s rather interesting statement of peace and reconciliation, he was intimating that it would now be O.K. for the players to KNEEL, or not to stand, for the National Anthem, thereby disrespecting our Country & our Flag?”

The more Donald Trump pushes this issue, the more it’ll work against him. The polls, and the marchers in the streets, clearly show that more white Americans are siding with Black Lives Matter protesters than are siding with the anti-kneeling crowd. Trump seems to think it’s still 2016. It’s as if he’s too far gone in the cognitive department to figure out that the nation has shifted, and also too far gone to come up with a new strategy.

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