Donald Trump goes berserk after drawing embarrassingly small crowd

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Donald Trump has lost the popular vote by millions of votes in every election he’s ever run in, the latest reminder that rally crowd size has historically never been an indicator of voter turnout (just ask Eugene Debs or Wendell Willkie). But these days Trump is struggling to even so much as draw a crowd, as his base appears to simply be tired and worn down.

Over the weekend the Biden campaign posted this side by side comparison of a Biden 2024 rally and a Trump 2024 rally at the same venue:

Suffice it to say that Trump isn’t happy. He’s now falsely claiming on social media that “The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!”

Okay. Whatever you say, Donald. But this does appear to give something away. Trump is surely asking his babysitters why his crowd sizes are plummeting. It appears they’ve responded by telling him that all the people are in a magical overflow room. This is absurd; they wouldn’t be putting people in an overflow room when half the bleachers of the main arena are empty. But it’s the kind of story that Trump would cling to. These days he’ll latch onto any delusional hope that lets him pretend it’s not falling apart for him.

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