Donald Trump gives away the game
The media has an interest in portraying Donald Trump as more power hungry and dangerous than ever – playing up a scenario where he automatically gets his way on every aspect of his agenda – as that’s the one that they believe has the most success in getting viewers to stay tuned in and keep clicking away. This is why you’re largely hearing about Trump’s insane plans to annex Canada and Greenland.
It’s idiotic and should be pushed back on – as this narrative is largely to normalize the idea of territorial expansion with no regard for the sovereignty of nations, but that’s the angle to push back with – not that this means Trump is all-powerful and unpredictable, which is what he and his babysitters want you to come away with.
The biggest issue with Trump’s narrative is that he manages to contradict it in embarrassing fashion whenever he shows up in public – where, instead of reiterating his social media threats in a commanding voice, he rambles endlessly about a lot of incoherent nonsense – talking about windmills, or the “Green New Scam” or, his all-time favorite topic: How many votes he won by.
If you were to guess all three of these coming up at his latest press conference, that’s exactly what happened. He just mumbled about a whole lot of things he can’t do much about, proving he’s burnt out and about as out of touch as they come. Come to think of it, any time he does a media appearance, all it really does is throw a wrench into any notion of him being all-powerful.
James Sullivan is the assistant editor of Brain World Magazine and an advocate of science-based policy making