Donald Trump gives away that he’s scared to death of what comes next

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Donald Trump announced once again this morning that he’s more than happy to get himself locked up over the gag order in his criminal trial, because he feels that the gag order is a violation of his freedom.

But no matter how many times Trump declares that he’s willing to go to prison over his gag order, remember the facts: he hasn’t violated his gag order once since the judge first brought up prison. Ignore Trump’s words and look at his actions. He’s scared to death of being locked up.

Of course when you’re on your first of four criminal trials, no amount of abiding by your gag order is going to keep you out of prison in the end. Donald Trump is going to prison.

Allen Weisselberg is already in prison. Steve Bannon is finally going to prison. Donald Trump is going to join them. It’s just a matter of when.

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