Donald Trump gives away that he’s got nothing left in the tank

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When you watch the downfall of formerly powerful people, whether it’s a dislodge former dictator or even a bitter former cable news host, one thing always stands out. The more powerless they become, the more they ratchet up the severity of their words, in an effort to try to compensate.

There are, for instance, the disgraced former Fox News hosts who have become so irrelevant, they’re reduced to saying even more controversially unhinged things than ever in tweets and podcasts, in an effort to convince people they’re still relevant. But really, those kinds of tirades are just a cry in the dark for help. These people have lost their power and relevance, and they know they’re not getting it back.

This brings us to Donald Trump. He’s been fully powerless for about two and a half years now. The media (on both sides) has tried to continue propping him up all this time, by pretending he was even more dangerously powerful than ever, even while he sat there and rotted in a classified document hoarder house.

Now that Trump has reemerged, it’s really only to try to distract everyone from what he’s facing from the criminal justice system. He keeps trying to convince everyone that he’s going to be a candidate in a future election. But even as much as the media (on both sides) wants to go along with that story, it’s a difficult sell when Trump is being arrested and arraigned, and is on the verge of being handed a trial date that’ll make it clear he’ll be in prison long before the next election.

Yet even as it becomes more obvious to all (including Trump) that he’s now fully powerless, he’s doing what fallen villains in his position always do. He’s trying to convince everyone that he’s somehow more powerful than ever. He’s doing that by making bigger and scarier and more impossible threats than ever. And why not? If you can make people so scared of you that they’re not thinking rationally, they might forget that you don’t actually have the power to do the things you’re threatening to do.

This brings us to Trump’s announcement today that “I WILL APPOINT A REAL SPECIAL โ€œPROSECUTORโ€ TO GO AFTER THE MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA, JOE BIDEN, THE ENTIRE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY, & ALL OTHERS INVOLVED.” And he’ll do this how, by mind control? By pulling a magic lever in his prison cell? This is getting almost hilariously absurd, if you actually think through any of it.

Trump is now floating a scenario in which he goes on criminal trial three times between now and the election, somehow magically gets acquitted on every single one of the dozens of felony charges that he’s facing across those trials, and somehow magically manages to keep his political ambitions intact throughout that entire process. This is a joke at this point.

Yet Trump knows what all fallen despots know: if you can emotionally manipulate people into believing that you still have powers that you no longer have, then you can use that as leverage to scare and paralyze them. Donald Trump, whose life is over, still has some people cowering over him. Don’t be one of them. Trump wants you to believe he has powers that he simply doesn’t have, and obviously will never again have. Don’t hand him leverage by playing along with his desperate delusion. This guy is finished, and now we’re watching him being finished off.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.