Donald Trump gets stuck on repeat

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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So, as Bill Palmer explained, Donald Trump will be forced to wear the label of felon — for the rest of his life. Thieves will be thieves and fraudsters will be fraudsters and Donald Trump will stay a convicted felon — much to his chagrin.

As Bill Palmer ALSO explained, Trump had a triple-decker meltdown on Truth Social about Judge Merchan. This one was demented even by Trump’s standards. But you do see why this happened and that there is no stopping it.

Malignant narcissists do not WANT to be happy. I’ve known more than a few myself. These characters — these weasels — are NEVER happy BEING happy. All their dreams could come true tomorrow, and they’d be ornery and sour-faced, trying desperately to find the lobe dirt needle in the haystack of good.

This is key to understanding Donald Trump – that his meltdowns will continue because they HAVE to. They will continue after he says the oath. They will continue as he starts to govern (or, in Trump’s case, PRETEND to govern.) They will continue far into the future, after his term ends.

They say there are two things in life one can be sure of—death and taxes. I’d like to amend that. There are THREE things one can be sure of—death, taxes, and Donald Trump meltdowns

As I said, I’ve known some narcissists. Never are they happier than in their own unhappiness. It’s where they thrive: it’s their vitamin D, giving them sunshine and roses. Drama is the omnipresent medicine of choice for the narcissist. Please show me ONE who hasn’t been waist-deep in drama, 24 hours day, seven days a week.

They seek it out, and it doesn’t matter if the narcissist in question is stranded, alone on a desert island. Somehow, somewhere, they will find that drama. It waits for them, and they ALWAYS discover it.

So, Donald Trump is in a pretty vicious mood today. He has the label of a felon to wear and he wears it rather stylishly if I do say so myself.

But tomorrow his anger fuse will be lit by something brand-new. ‘Here today, gone tomorrow.” new problems that are not problems except for narcissists will rear their heads. And it will be a repeat cycle, a spin cycle of temper tantrums and angry rants until the sun rises over a new day — and he does it all over again.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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